Saturday 6 August 2011

How to check your Anti Virus software

antivirus testVarious anti-virus has circulated in the market, either already known and new or not yet known to us, many antivirus options are not guarantees that we are truly safe from the threat of viruses, in fact, many antivirus is not working properly, what about your antivirus, is it working correctly? To check whether our anti-virus works or not, do it this way.

way is as follows:

1. Open your Notepad, then copy and paste the code below in your notepad.


2. The text should be paste in a state Horizontal.

3. Then Save As your Notepad with the extension. Com, the name's up to you. Example:

4. If some time after you do a Save As file and direct your antivirus detects a virus then your antivirus is working properly.

Do not be afraid to file we created earlier will not infect your computer even if detected by anti virus.

Text Code What I wrote above is the standard text used by the Developer Anti-Virus Specifically By EICAR (European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research).

EICAR itself is an entity that focuses in the areas of virus and they create a standardization of the antivirus.

Standardization is used to see the reaction when the antivirus detects the file created by EICAR is a text file that we created earlier with notepad


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