Sunday 20 June 2010

Uninstall Errors, And How To Prevent These

Uninstall errors can appear any time you try to uninstall programs and applications. These errors may cause anxiety in users who do not have a very high level of computer knowledge, because they may not understand what the causes and fixes for these problems are. Most errors are not as complicated as they may seem, and these errors are preventable and fixable. The problems usually occur because the program was added and then removed, but not all of the program fragments have been successfully removed and are still in the registry, which causes uninstall errors.

These fragments may clutter up the registry, and cause errors to occur. This problem is common with the Windows operating system, and it can cause many uninstall errors and performance problems. You may notice that your system runs very slowly, freezes up a lot, does not want to function correctly, needs to be rebooted a lot, error messages occur frequently, and even the blue screen of death can appear when you have uninstall errors and issues. There are some things that will help prevent most errors.

Prevent Uninstall Errors With Very Little Work Or time

Make sure you do not have any electronic infections on your PC, such as worms, viruses, and trojans, because these programs can cause chaos on your system, resulting in many symptoms including error messages. Anti virus software programs can protect your computer against these threats by detecting and removing the infections before any damage can be done. Make sure any available updates are installed as soon as possible, because these contain important information on new threats and definitions.

Be careful of what you download. A lot of the files available on the Internet are either infected with malicious software or may contain spyware or some form of corruption. This makes downloading a very risky business, and these files may result in uninstall errors when you try to remove them. Spyware is especially sneaky about not allowing removal, so that the program continues running even after you try to uninstall it. This will result in uninstall errors, and you should also have an anti spyware program to remove any spyware on your system.

The registry of your system may contribute to uninstall errors if it is crowded or contains unneeded entries and keys. Cleaning your registry will stop errors, and will also help improve the performance and speed of your computer as well. All of the fragments from removed programs will be cleaned from the registry, leaving only needed entries and keeping your PC running smoothly. The best way to clean the registry is a registry cleaner, a software program developed for the specific purpose of safely and quickly cleaning the registry.

Using a registry cleaner is much easier and safer than manually editing the registry because of the time and risks involved. With the software you can have a clean registry in minutes usually, instead of days or weeks of hard painstaking work. The risks are also gone, because the software recognizes critical components of the operating system so they are not removed. This will eliminate uninstall errors.


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