Thursday 24 June 2010

How to Put a Stop to Kernel32.dll Errors

There are a number of reasons that a kernel32.dll error message may appear on your screen, including low disk space, viruses, a damaged or corrupted registry, a swap file that is damaged, and many more. There are a few things you can do which can stop these error messages from happening no matter what the specific cause is. Kernel32.dll is a thirty two bit Dynamic Link Library, and this file is responsible for input/output operations, handling memory management, and any interrupts. This may cause Kernel32.dll errors if everything does not function correctly.

Kernel32.dll loads into protected memory space when Windows is started, so that no other programs can take over the space. The most common Kernel32.dll error message with this process is an Invalid Page Fault error, and this happens when a program attempts to access the memory space which is protected by kernel32.dll. This error can be caused by one specific program or a multitude of programs and files, depending on the specific problem and your computer. Any program which runs from a file may cause an error message.

To repair and prevent Kernel32.dll errors, there are some things that you should do. The first is to download and install software that will detect and remove viruses and other malicious software, including spyware, if you haven't done this already. This is crucial in preventing electronic infections which can affect your entire system, and result in error messages and other problems. Unfortunately, these software programs are all over the place on the Internet, and getting infected can happen instantly.

Video drivers which are bad or outdated can also cause Kernell32.dll errors, so you should check your drivers and make sure that they are the most current version available. Updating all the drivers on your system will not only stop many of the Kernel32.dll errors, it will also allow your computer to perform much better and more efficiently. If the video drivers are missing or corrupted, then install the latest drivers you can find online. Care should be taken only to get drivers and upgrades from Microsoft or other explicitly trusted websites.

Kernel32.dll Errors Can be Eliminated

One thing that should be done regularly, and not just to prevent Kernel32.dll errors, is to clean the registry of your system, and this can be done the hard way or the easy effective way. The hard way to clean the registry of your computer involves manually editing every single entry and key. Because the registry is such a large file, this could take days, weeks, or even longer, depending on the available time you have each day to do this. Because of the very important entries contained in the registry, if you make one small mistake it can have disastrous consequences for your system.

The easy way to clean the registry is to use a registry cleaner. This software was created specifically to do this chore quickly, safely, and effectively. A registry cleaner will leave your registry spotless in no time, taking only minutes and very little work, and this step will eliminate all the kernel32.dll errors.


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