Saturday 10 April 2010

What Do I Receive When I Hide My IP Address?

Generally you might think, your Internet browsing is not certainly a private affair. Each of your use of the network is being tracked, along with your browsing histories, your chats, your blog and forum postings, etc. Even though you might be using the Internet from within the secrecy of your home, nothing actually is that secret. Your network's IP number lays bare all your communication with the Internet.

IP refers to Internet Protocol. All computer that is connected to the network is provided an IP address by the service provider. The IP address is actually a collection of four numbers. The first number indicates your domain, the second number indicates your subnet, the third number indicates your network and the very significant fourth number indicates the host computer. By looking at all these four numbers of the IP address, it can be found out which computer it belongs to.

Whenever you log on to the Internet, this IP address is relayed to the www. When this happens, your computer is vulnerable to tracking. If you visit some website, through the IP address it can be found out which computer has accessed that website. Suppose it is a PC you are operating from, then your name, age, telephone number, email id, residential address and another identifying details can also be found out. In other words, with the IP address, any computer in the world can be tracked and that can lead to the owner of the computer.

Why are IP addresses tracked? Simple, for creating added security. When the Internet was instituted, the system of identifying computers with IP addresses was also begun. This was for defense purposes, so that no one could take illegal advantages of the Internet. The process is continued even today, with the only difference that it has become more refined. Anyone who wishes to find the location of an IP address can do so, at a fee.

Several people get all wound up when they hear about IP address. The foremost question they ask is, can I hide my IP address? The answer is, yes. There are methods by which your IP address can be masked or faked. There are some software packages available that can route your computer's connection through a copy IP relay system. This system will hide you IP address and create a fake one for you. This will be the IP address that will go to the world wide web. These packages are available for retail and download and are quite easy to install and use.

So, the next time someone asks you 'How can I hide my IP address?', you tell them to get an IP masking software for themselves. With such a device, you can enjoy your Internet happening without the worry that some big daddy is watching you from somewhere.


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