Saturday, 26 March 2011

Modify windows registry

Before modify any of you registry file you should know what is registry ?

something you need to know, Registry is the "Brain" of Microsoft windows operating system. registry process all information which is part of program controller of applications installed on windows.when registry crash so the windows system will damage, if so, you need to reinstall the operating system.

that's why before we play windows registry, it's agood idea to backup your registry so when the registry crash the backup will help us to repair the system. to backup registry use these way :

* On windows 95 ( 95/98 /Me )

1. use MS DOS promt applications on "Start -->Program --> MS DOS Prompt "
2. after the application launched enter the windows derectory by typing this command :

Microsoft (R) Windows 98
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981 - 1999

c:\Windows\Desktop> CD\
c:\WINDOWS>attrib -h -r system.dat
c:\>WINDOWS>attrib -h -r user.dat

copy and rename system.dat and user.dat file
c:\>WINDOWS>COPY system.dat
c:\>WINDOWS> COPY user.dat

whe your registry crash use the backup file to repair the registry. use this comand to repair the registry :

c:\>WINDOWS> COPY system.dat
c:\>WINDOWS>COPY user.dat

on windows XP you can use this way to backup the registry : click start-->Run--> on run box type "regedit" (without quotes). --> on regedit --> file --> export --> and save it on your drive. to repair use --> import

Now we will modify some of registry functions

1. Hide taskbar menu

windows on the taskbar used to set on the start menu and the menu inside. we can hide it, as its next step :


on the "explorer" subkey Add new DWORD Value and name it "NoSetTaskbar" and enter the value to 1

2. Hide "Control Panel" Menu

How to hide Control Panel menu from start menu, use this way :


Add a new DWORD Value and name it "NoControlPanel" change the value "1"

3. Hide "Run" menu on startmenu

"Run" menu generally used to launch the Executeable file. we just type the name of executeable file and the file will run. but for some people this menu also can be used to instal viruses or other mallware and any dangerous applications.

if you want to hide "Run" menu use this way :


On the "Explorer" subkey Make a new DWORD Value. and rename it "NoRun" (without quotes) and give the value "1" . after that refresh or restart the windows

4. Hide arrow on shortcut icons


find data named "IsShortcut" and then rename it with any name you like. then restart the pc

2nd way :


just same like the 1st way find the "IsShortcut" file and rename it.

5. hide Start banner on taskbar

start banner is an information shown when you put the mouse cursor above the start button on windows. you can hide it if don't like it.


  • on explorer's subkey make a new Binary Value and name it "NoStartBanner" (without quotes)

  • to activate the key give the value 01 00 00 00 and after that refresh / restart your pc

6. Show windows version on desktop

1. get into registry editor this key :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel \Desktop

* find "PaintDesktopVersion" key. if you cannot find it make new one by right click your mouse and choose new -->DWORD Value and rename it to PaintDesktopVersion .
* double click and change the value from "0" to "1" ( without quotes ) and restart your pc

7. how to change Desktop icon Size

1. open registry editor
2. get into this key

HKEY-CURRENT-USER\Control Panel \Desktop \WindowsMetrics

on WindowsMetrics subkey find data named "Shell Icon Size"

Double click and change the value data from 32 to 60 and see the effect on the desktop icons to re normal it change the value data back to 32


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